Course curriculum
BPI Resources
I. Principles of Moisture, Air, and Energy
II. Combustion Science
Audio Lesson: Building Science Review 1
Audio Lesson: Building Science Review 2
Audio Lesson: Building Science Review 3
Audio Lesson: Building Science Review 4
Section Outline
I. Combustion Safety Testing
I. Combustion Safety Testing (Audio Lesson)
II. Blower Door Testing
II. Blower Door Testing 1 (Audio Lesson)
II. Blower Door Testing 2 (Audio Lesson)
II. Blower Door Testing 3 (Audio Lesson)
III. Mechanical Ventilation Data
III. Mechanical Ventilation Data (Audio Lesson)
Quiz 1: Sections I, II, & III
IV. HVAC Distribution Data
IV. HVAC Distribution Data (Audio Lesson)
V. Fenestration Data
V. Fenestration Data (Audio Lesson)
VI. Thermal/Pressure Boundary
VI. Thermal/Pressure Boundary (Audio Lesson)
Quiz 2: Sections IV, V, & VI
VII. Heating, Cooling, and DHW
VII. Heating, Cooling, and DHW 1 (Audio Lesson)
VII. Heating, Cooling, and DHW 2 (Audio Lesson)
VIII. Calculate Baseload
VIII. Calculate Baseload (Audio Lesson)
IX. Water Conservation
Quiz 3: Section VII, VIII, & IX
X. Health and Safety
XI. Construction Details
Quiz 4: Section X & XI
Section Outline
I. Energy Modeling
I. Energy Modeling 1 (Audio Lessons)
I. Energy Modeling 2 (Audio Lessons)
I. Energy Modeling 3 (Audio Lessons)
Quiz 5: Use Energy Modeling
II. Work Scope
II. Work Scope 1 (Audio Lessons)
II. Work Scope 2 (Audio Lessons)
II. Work Scope 3 (Audio Lessons)
Quiz 6: Work Scope
About this course
- $849.00
- 45 lessons
- 0 hours of video content